Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Resurrected Christ

"[One] reason The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is excluded from the Christian category by some is because we believe, as did the ancient prophets and apostles, in an embodied--but certainly glorified--God. To those who criticize this scripturally based belief, I ask at least rhetorically: If the idea of an embodied God is repugnant, why are the central doctrines and singularly most distinguishing characteristics of all Christianity the Incarnation, the Atonement, and the physical Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ? If having a body is not only not needed but not desirable by Deity, why did the Redeemer of mankind redeem His body, redeeming it from the grasp of death and the grave, guaranteeing it would never again be separated from His spirit in time or eternity? Any who dismiss the concept of an embodied God dismiss both the mortal and the resurrected Christ. No one claiming to be a true Christian will want to do that."
--Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

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